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KA431S - Adjustable/2.5V, 2% Tolerance Shunt Regulator Programmable Shunt Regulator

KA431S_212111.PDF Datasheet

Description Adjustable/2.5V, 2% Tolerance Shunt Regulator
Programmable Shunt Regulator

File Size 110.80K  /  10 Page  


Fairchild Semiconductor

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Part: KA431SAMF
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 Full text search : Adjustable/2.5V, 2% Tolerance Shunt Regulator Programmable Shunt Regulator

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Comchip Technology
RC0431 RC0431A RC431A RC0431AST Adjustable, 1.5% Tolerance Shunt Regulator
Low-Voltage Adjustable Precision Shunt Regulator
FAIRCHILD[Fairchild Semiconductor]
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1N4106 1N4104 1N4627 1N4099 1N4100 1N4101 1N4102 1 500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 18V. 2% tolerance.
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500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 3.6V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 100V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 75V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 47V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 15V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 60V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 14V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 51V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 2.2V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 25V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 13V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 3.9V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 5.6V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 56V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 10V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 11V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 9.1V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 9.1V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 6.8V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 8.7V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 1.8V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 2.4V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 22V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 11V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 68V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 4.7V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 17V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 17V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 16V. 2% tolerance.
surface mount silicon Zener diodes 硅表面贴装齐纳二极管
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 3.0V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 16V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 82V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 4.7V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 60V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 22V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 2.4V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 1.8V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 6.8V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 8.7V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 10V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 91V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 5.6V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 3.9V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 47V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 5.1V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 13V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 2.2V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 5.1V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 14V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 20V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 15V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 19V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 25V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 36V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 87V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 3.6V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 75V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 20V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 3.3V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 6.2V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 39V. 1% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 68V. 2% tolerance.
500mW low noise silicon zener diode. Nominal zener voltage 87V. 2% tolerance.
Jinan Gude Electronic D...
Central Semiconductor, Corp.
JGD[Jinan Gude Electronic Device]
Jinan Gude Electronic Devic...
IN5179 IN4829 IN4830 1N5179 IN4453 MZ2361 1N4156 1 STABISTORS Also, Tight Tolerance STABISTORS此外,紧公差
IC/53C318165 D 1MW 70 MP U9S
(MPD100 - MPD400) STABISTORS Also / Tight Tolerance
STABISTORS Also/ Tight Tolerance
STABISTORS Also Tight Tolerance
Microsemi, Corp.
MICROSEMI[Microsemi Corporation]
LTC2932 LTC2932CF-TRPBF LTC2932F-PBF LTC2932HF-TRP Confi gurable Six Supply Monitor with Adjustable Reset Timer and Supply Tolerance
Linear Technology
1.5KE36A-G 1.5KE36CA-G 1.5KE7.5A-G 1.5KE600CA-G 1. Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P<sub>PPM</sub>=1500Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=30.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P<sub>PPM</sub>=1500Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=6.4V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P<sub>PPM</sub>=1500Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=513V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P<sub>PPM</sub>=1500Watts, V<sub>RWM</sub>=70.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=9.4V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=11.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=43.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=85.5V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=8.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=20.5V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=23.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=10.2V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=40.2V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=33.3V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=12.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=64.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=15.3V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=28.2V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=25.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=53V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=58.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=376.2V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=18.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=36.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=470.3V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=94V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=102V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=111V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=214V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=427.5V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=77.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=13.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=7.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=128V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=145V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=299.3V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=7V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=5.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=185V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=154V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=136V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=17.1V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=47.8V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=171V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=513V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=444.6V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=6.4V, Tolerance=5%
Transient Voltage Suppressor (TVS) Axial Lead, P-PPM=1500Watts, V-RWM=342V, Tolerance=5%
Comchip Technology
LM431SBCMFX Adjustable/2.5V, 1% Tolerance Shunt Regulator; Package: SOT-23F; No of Pins: 3; Container: Tape &amp; Reel 1-OUTPUT TWO TERM VOLTAGE REFERENCE, 2.495 V, PDSO3
Fairchild Semiconductor, Corp.
(NTE5000A - NTE5060A) Zener Diode / 1/2 Watt 5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1/2 Watt ±5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1/2 Watt 【5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1/2 Watt -5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1/2 Watt 5% Tolerance
Zener Diode, 1/2 Watt % Tolerance
surface mount silicon Zener diodes
NTE[NTE Electronics]
NTE Electronics, Inc.
1N5222AUR-1 1N5222BUR-1 1N5253AUR-1 1N5267BUR-1 1N Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.5 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.5 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 25 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 75 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 47 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 180 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 180 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 110 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 110 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.9 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 150 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 150 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 82 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 12 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 12 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 56 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 68 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 5.6 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 24 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 51 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.4 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.4 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.8 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.0 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.3 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 4.3 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.4 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.7 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 2.8 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.0 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.3 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.6 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.6 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 3.9 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 4.3 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 4.7 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 4.7 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 39 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 140 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 56 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 24 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 43 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 43 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 8.7 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 18 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 36 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 170 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 60 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 11 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 11 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 130 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 33 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 33 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 14 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 39 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 14 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 62 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 17 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 200 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 87 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 27 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 130 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 6.2 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 60 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 18 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 27 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 30 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 30 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 62 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 120 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 160 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 160 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 75 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 87 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 6.8 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 190 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 6.8 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 28 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 19 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 17 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 47 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 5.1 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 25 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 36 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 20 V.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 6.8 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 15 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 22 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 100 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 5.1 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 10 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 20 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 8.7 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 13 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 6.0 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 120 V. Tolerance -5%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 10 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 20 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 91 V. Tolerance -10%.
Metallurgically bonded glass surface mount 500 mW zener. Nominal zener voltage 6.2 V. Tolerance -5%.
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